CryptoLumi Trading BOT
Minimal Requirements:
Quick Installation
In version 1.1 we prepared installer what will significantly simplify installation, vue app rebuilding not required if you don't need changes on frontend also.
1. Extract package on your server where yo uwish to have your bot installed
2. Open install folder from public url, like
enter all db info, don't forget to give all privilegies to user on database
and smtp info, best that you create one in your cpanel with same domain or use for testing
3. open bot folder from public url, like
try to create account/login, if all works fine, remove install and vue folder, is very important for security reason!
on troubles our support team will try to help you, don't worry
4. now configure cronjobs, are require for bots to functioning and make transactions
you can also manually run cron.php file to see if all works fine from public folder like: , usualy should return empty results
in cpanel configure this way:
Thats all for quick start, on any trouble we will be happy to help you!
Instalation instructions first required on localhost:
1. Install portable XAMPP (I always prefer 7zip version) and start it:
2. Install nodejs:
all by default just clicking next
3. Install VIsual Studio Code:
all by default just clicking next
4. Restart PC
5. Inside VIsual Studio Code install Vetur Extension
6. Inside phpmyadmin create database for your BOT and import database, example:
http://localhost/phpmyadmin click on New, name it "cryptolumi" and create
after that go to import and import provided sql file with database structure
After that should look like this:
7. Extract downlaoded cryptolumi archive into your htdocs folder usualy C:/xampp/htdocs
Open in browser:
If API for bot works fine you should see text like:
Lumen (8.2.3) (Laravel Components ^8.0)
8. In visual studio code open folder C:/xampp/htdocs/cryptolumi
in file .env configure your database, usual username is root and password empty on default XAMPP
9. Open or create vue/dist/runtimeConfig.json
and enter inside:
10. Right click on Vue and Open in Integrated terminal
run "npm run serve" to run server for frontend part based on vue
Now backend and frontend are ready and you can use it
usualy run automatically or you can run it in chrome on url:
if you will have some trouble with runing server directly then first run "npm install" but in zip we provided all already installed so you should be able to run
Have in mind that locally bot is not very useful and also cronjob must be configured to work properly and execute orders, yo ucan run also manually cron.php for testing, so continue on next section.
You should go thru Quick Start first, after that:
Deployment is most simple on some server with cpanel, we suggesting and testing all on basic cheap linux shared cpanel:
1. move lumen/backend part files (all except vue and public folders) to server root folder, not public_html
so in your cpanel go to file manager
create folder codebase_cryptolumi
move files, for simplify you can zip this folders, upload and then extract on server
2. create api folder inside your public folder on server usual "public_html/api" and move content inside local public folder into api folder on server, thats basically only index.php and .htaccess files
3. in your cpanel or other panel create database, user for database and then
in file .env on your server now configure your database
4. Open or create vue/dist/runtimeConfig.json
and enter inside:
Right click on Vue folder and Open in Integrated terminal
run "npm run build" to run production version of frontend files
after that copy all from "vue/dist" into your "bot" folder on server. should look like this
5. now configure cronjobs, are require for bots to functioning and make transactions
you can also manually run cron.php file to see if all works fine from public folder like: , usualy should return empty results
in cpanel configure this way:
6. configure url-s in cron.php file:
7. don't forget to remove vue and install folders at end for security reason.
After that your bot is online and ready to use!
On any trouble you are welcome to check with our support team
On login form, click on create account and register populating this form
API keys get from (from, formerly bitmax) exchange which bot using
Track highest value and when value start dropping will sell automatically specified amount after defined drop % percentage. This way bot will try to sell a bit after highest value.
Before using this bot you need to buy some coins on AscendEX which will be sold by this BOT
Track lowest value and when value start increasing will buy automatically specified amount after defined increase in % percentage. This way bot will try to buy a bit after lowest value.
Before using this bot you need to buy some coins USDT on AscendEX which will be used by BOT to purchase wanted coins
Buy small "grid step" amount when price drop a bit, then sell when price increase a bit and this doing all the time automatically to generate earnings on volatile market.
Before using this bot you need to buy some coins based on pair on AscendEX which will be used by BOT to be sold and also have some USDT available for purchase coins if they start dropping in value
API is build on Lumen Framework by Laravel, so docs can be found here:
Most of API functionality is implemented in controllers, so for example if you need to change call to exchange API or implement some other API you will need to modify functions like this:
All routes are defined in routes/web.php
cron calls are defined in file: cron.php
database and other main config in .env file
Frontend is build in Vue
Install nodejs:
all by default just clicking next
3. Install VIsual Studio Code:
all by default just clicking next
4. Restart PC
5. Inside VIsual Studio Code install Vetur Extension
6. In visual studio code open folder C:/xampp/htdocs/cryptolumi
7. Open or create vue/dist/runtimeConfig.json
and enter inside: your api url like example, of course change by yours real api url:
10. Right click on Vue and Open in Integrated terminal
run "npm run serve" to run server for frontend part based on vue
usualy run automatically or you can run it in chrome on url:
if you will have some trouble with runing server directly then first run "npm install" but in zip we provided all already installed so you should be able to run
For customization in code some vue knowledge is required
most basic things like change texts or images/logo are relative simple
translations texts/strings can be found and changed in file
Folder structure is based on Vue Theme integrated so:
vue/src/components contains components like sidebar or other small element ui parts
vue/src/layout contain base skeleton layouts
vue/src/pages contain content part for pages
here is example of image logo location and links/text definition
store for user details/authentication we defined in vue/src/store/modules/auth
routes in vue/src/router/botroutes.js
to simplify installation proccess we need to define api url outside vue standard code so we use this approch via json file:
most usualy you will want to rebrand bot, this is most simple this way:
search in all files under folder vue for specific text like crypolumi, example:
and then change on needed places, same you can repeat for any other text of course with attention to not change some code or similar because then you will make error.
after changes you need to build vue so "npm run build"
make this runtimeConfig.json in dist folder
then copy complete vue/dist folder content into bot folder or where frontend code is located
On any trouble please feel free to contact us on
Deployment is most simple on some server with cpanel, we suggesting and testing all on basic cheap linux shared cpanel:
I've used the following files and services as listed:
Thank you so much for purchasing this item. We will do our best to help you if you have any questions or issue relating to this item.